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SWBFII.COM Servers Now Up for GoG and PlayStation 2!

Posted on Oct 8th 2024 18:46:20 in PlayStation 2, Game News, Announcements

If you play the original Star Wars: Battlefront II on Steam or GoG you will now see a server called SWBFII.COM Official in the server browser. This is the official server for this website and runs the following stock-compatible mods.

  • Tankless Maps
  • No Turrets
  • Super Hoth CTF
  • Super Kamino CTF
  • Special Points Increase (Mortars unlock at 20 points, Specials at 40 points)
  • PlayStation 2 Balance (where possible)

On occasion we will run maps from the PC version of the Xbox DLC Content Mod.

We are also running a server on the SWBFSpy network for the PlayStation 2 called SWBFII.COM Official [PS2]. This server uses all of the above mods in addition to running the Unofficial Update DLC mod that adds the Xbox DLC to the game (Cloud City, Rhen Var Harbor & Citadel, and Yavin IV Arena).

Site created and maintained by SG-17.