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  • Speciality: Attack
  • Mobility: High
  • Team Roles: Direct Attack, Flanking
  • Durability: Moderate

The soldier class is the centerpiece of each faction, attaining battlefield dominance through rapid firepower. Each soldier unit is equipped with a blaster rifle (or equivalent) capable of sustaining high volumes of fire. With the exception of the super battle droid, each unit also carries several thermal detonators.

  • Blaster Rifle/Wrist Blaster (CIS)
  • Blaster Pistol/Tri-Blaster (CIS)
  • Thermal Detonator/Wrist Rocket (CIS)
Award Equipment
  • Elite Rifle
    • Get 12 kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life (only 9 at Elite).
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Speciality: Area Control, Defense
  • Mobility: Low
  • Team Roles: Anti-Vehicle, Heavy Weapons
  • Durability: High

When it comes to taking out vehicles, heavy weapons units are the specialists you’re looking for. Each is armed with a rocket launcher which can be manually locked on to enemy vehicles. The rocket launcher can also be dumb fired when speed or distance is less of a factor. Mines are also unique to this class, making them a defensive necessity for undefended command posts.

  • Rocket Launcher
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Mines
Award Equipment
  • Remote Rocket Launcher
    • Get 4 Rocket Launcher critical hits on a vehicle in one life (only 3 at Elite).
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Speciality: Recon
  • Mobility: High
  • Team Roles: Sniping
  • Durability: Low

Snipers are the masters of reconnaissance and precision attacks. Their sniper rifles are extremely powerful, capable of dropping an enemy with a single shot. All snipers are also equipped with an auto turret. This small sphere hovers about waist height and automatically fires at any enemy units that come into its proximity, until it is destroyed or runs out of energy.

  • Sniper Rifle
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Auto Turret
Award Equipment
  • Beam Rifle
    • Get 6 headshots with a Sniper Rifle in one life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Speciality: Crowd Control
  • Mobility: Moderate
  • Team Roles: Repairs and Resupply
  • Durability: Moderate

Engineers are part combat engineer, part field medic, and part resupply clerk, making them a valuable asset on any battlefield. Their ability to repair vehicles is impressive enough, but they can also heal and resupply teammates and themselves. Engineers are also the only units that can construct gun turrets and repair droids using their fusioncutter. They can throw their detpack quite a distance to surprise their enemies.

  • Shotgun
  • Fusion Cutter
  • Detpack
  • Health/Ammo Dispenser
Award Equipment
  • Flechette Shotgun
    • Get 8 kills with a Shotgun in one life (only 6 at Elite).
  • Vehicle Regeneration Bonus
    • Slice a vehicle.
  • Name: Imperial Officer
  • Type: Command
  • Points: 8 Points Required
  • Durability: Moderate

These Imperial tacticians support the troops in the field with a mortar launcher capable of leveling rebel resistance. The officer’s unique training allows for increased weapon damage. Their recon droid can remotely detonate near enemies for lethal damage.

  • Sonic Blaster
  • Mortar Launcher
  • Rage
  • Recon Droid
  • Name: Bothan Spy
  • Type: Command
  • Points: 8 Points Required
  • Durability: Low

The cunning Bothans are known throughout the galaxy for their spying capabilities. On the battlefield they sneak behind enemy lines, causing chaos and wreaking havoc, and then fade into the environment. The Bothan spy also has the unique ability to regenerate health.

  • Incinerator
  • Stealth
  • Regeneration
  • Time Bomb
  • Name: Clone Commander
  • Type: Command
  • Points: 8 Points Required
  • Durability: Moderate

The commanders are specially designed to lead the clone troops into battle. They can temporarily empower nearby ranks with confidence. Their chaingun can mow through groups of enemies and is incredibly deadly indoors where narrow halls or passageways don’t allow enemies to get out of the way. Their recon droid can remotely detonate near enemies for lethal damage.

  • Chaingun
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Rally
  • Recon Droid
Award Equipment
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Name: Magnaguard
  • Type: Command
  • Points: 8 Points Required
  • Durability: Moderate

These enhanced droids protect important figures in the CIS army, such as General Grievous. Their deadly neuro poison can cripple any enemies in a radius around them. Their recon droid can remotely detonate near enemies for lethal damage.

  • Bulldog Rocket Launcher
  • Radiation Launcher
  • Neuro Poison
  • Recon Droid
  • Name: Dark Trooper
  • Type: Attack
  • Points: 12 Points Required
  • Durability: Low

The dark trooper is the close-combat elite unit of the Imperial Forces. Dark troopers use their jet packs to “jump” right to their targets. Once in position, they attempt to do as much damage as possible.

  • Arc Caster
  • Repeating Pistol
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Jump Pack
Award Equipment
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Name: Wookiee Warrior
  • Type: Attack
  • Points: 12 Points Required
  • Durability: High

The Wookiees joined the Rebel Alliance after the Empire invaded their home planet. They are extremely durable but also very slow. Their recon droid can remotely detonate near enemies for lethal damage.

  • Bowcaster
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Recon Droid
  • Name: Jet Trooper
  • Type: Attack
  • Points: 12 Points Required
  • Durability: Moderate

The jet trooper utilizes a limited-flight jetpack to cover great distances very quickly. The flying jet trooper’s agility makes him very hard to hit, and his BMP launcher can be a deadly weapon at close range. Their blaster pistol is much more deadly than the standard blaster pistol.

  • EMP Launcher
  • DC-17 Blaster Pistol
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Jetpack
Award Equipment
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Name: Droideka
  • Type: Attack
  • Points: 12 Points Required
  • Durability: High

The droideka is equipped with a personal shield and two powerful repeating blasters instead of arms. The droideka is a highly effective firing platform because of its tripod design, but this effectiveness comes at the sacrifice of speed. To counter its lack of mobility, the droideka can transform into a wheel to cruise rapidly around the battlefield.

  • Repeating Blasters
  • Personal Shield
  • Wheel Mode
  • Name: Pilot
  • Type: Support
  • Skill: Auto-Repair
  • Durability: Moderate

Pilots are more suited for flying ships, as they are able to heal the ship in flight. Thier time bombs will easily be able to take out the enemy ship's critical points from the inside. The pilot's fusion cutters can repair interior critical points.

  • Commando Pistol
  • Fusion Cutter
  • Time Bomb
Award Equipment
  • Precision Pistol
    • Get 6 kills with a Blaster Pistol in 1 life (only 4 at Elite).
  • Name: Marine
  • Type: Attack
  • Skill: Control
  • Durability: High

The Marine excels at boarding enemy ships. They can use their blaster rifle and rocket launcher to control the enemy's hangar. Use them to keep the enemies from launching their fighters.

  • Blaster Rifle
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Thermal Detonator
Award Equipment
  • Remote Rocket Launcher
    • Get 4 Rocket Launcher critical hits on a vehicle in one life (only 3 at Elite).
  • Elite Rifle
    • Get 12 kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life (only 9 at Elite).

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