Special Class Point Increase - Dark Troopers and Bothans cost 40 points, Officers and Wookiees cost 20. (34.2MB)
No Powerups and Command Post Fix - Removes the Energy, Damage Reduction, and Damage Increase powerups and fixes the "home base" command posts on Jabba's Palace and Yavin Temple to capture at a normal speed. (981KB)
PS2 Server Files Complete - Includes the server installer program and most of the above mods, will not work with the below DLC mod (218.3MB)
bk2modder's DLC Mod - A fantastic mod that adds all of the Xbox DLC maps and modes to the PS2 game, with some bonuses! (123MB)
PS2 Server Files DLC Compatible - Premodded - The PS2 server software modified to work with bk2modder's DLC Mod, also premodified for most of the above server mods. (2.28GB)