- Start
at CP6 and head towards CP5 go up the right staircase and
go right, jump on the edge and look and then jump on top
of the gold oscar looking statue. Then look down and
to the left and roll/jump/run. You will be inside near CP5.
If your a jet trooper, or you change to one you can get on
the outter edge and fly up on top the room. Jedi can also
jump up.
- Start
at CP6 run towards CP5 in between the two stairwells, you will
see two planters. Get behind the left one and look to the right
one, sprint behind it and through the wall of the right staircase
you should go.
- Start
a CP2 with a sniper, go towards the back stairs and take the
left set. Stop half way up the stairs and goto the left corner,
throw your auto turret and get through that wall, inside there
is a turret you can build using the engineer.
Corusant |
Hoth |
Mygeeto |
Dagobah |
Jabbas Palace |
Naboo |
Death Star |
Kamino |
Polis Massa |
Endor |
Kashyyk |
Tantive IV |
Felucia |
Mos Eisley |
Utapau |
Geonosis |
Mustafar |
Yavin 4 |